dinsdag 18 november 2008

Solving the remaining problems

As said before I had to clean the lower keyboard again because I was not thorough enough the first time. I used the same method as for the upper keyboard http://eminentunique310restauration.blogspot.com/2008/10/cleaning-upper-manual-key-contacts.html.
This time the result was perfect.

Also in the upper keyboard print there where two defect germanium diodes. I replaced them the same way as for the lower keyboard. http://eminentunique310restauration.blogspot.com/2008/09/repairing-non-sounding-note.html

2 opmerkingen:

kubrick zei
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kubrick zei

Heel interessante blog en heel leerzaam. Hoever sta je nu? Is de eminent al helemaal in orde?